Girls Program
Girls Program
The Earhart Club is an after-school program for girls that meets once a week for the eight weeks. The sessions are two hour long, typically from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm, with dinner provided at the beginning of each session for all participants.
Each group participating in the program consists of 20 girls and their moms or another female adult or guardian (the girls’ grown ups). The sessions are run by volunteers from the program.
Every week the sessions revolve around a theme: trust, style, voice, values, storytelling, self-discovery, and leadership, with a celebration of the end of the program in the last week.
Each session is structured in different blocks:

Each session will feature a different woman of great influence who has all lifted the world, by first finding and then pursuing their passion. From Amelia Earhart to Jane Goodall to Malala Yousafzai, we will share some incredible examples for our girls to follow. A brief biography leads to a facilitated discussion about the woman of the day.

Each week, the girls will write a note to their grown-ups and the grown-ups will write a letter to their girls that will be sent in the mail. This act of purposefully writing a note, mailing it and having it arrive at home a few days later, helps build a bond of understanding between grown-up and daughter.

Every week there is an activity related to the theme of the week. The objective is not to get the activity or game right, but to start a process of reflection and discovery, encouraging the girls to use their voice and respect that of the others. Each activity has a lesson associated with it that the girls will discover while doing the activity and then discussing it with their group.

Each session concludes with the reinforcement of the importance of having conversations at home and with trusted adults. Girls will be asked to think about what they would like to talk about that week, and grown-ups will be reminded to make sure they create inviting moments and spaces to have those conversations.
"The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be. "
~Ralph Waldo Emerson