About Us

The short version of our “Why” is that I started The Earhart Club as a love letter to my daughter. I have spent my career working as a Physical Therapist, mentor and teacher with a special interest in leadership, team building and drawing all people forward toward their unrealized potential. In serving thousands of people I have landed on the theory that the epidemic of our time is loneliness – a lack of meaningful connection not just with others but so often with ourselves. We have lost our own, unique voice to the expectations of others. I make a distinction between our ego and our spirit – our spirit is who we are, the truth, our soul, the gift of God within us and our ego is our mind, our perception of who we are which is fed from the outside – parents, teachers, culture, media and more. Our culture has been curated to a tug of war between our mind (ego) and our spirit (self) giving rise to a dispiritedness that is the starting point for so much of the modern mental health conversation. A child’s authentic voice is not just what they say but also their behaviors, their values – their voice is their spirit.
The Earhart Club is for my daughter to grow up in a world where her voice is not just an idea but a responsibility and to reduce teen suicides, anxiety, depression and addictive behaviors by 90% over 25 years.